We slept in this morning after our long day yesterday then ate breakfast at the hotel. We packed up and headed to the JFK airport where we waited for our 12:50 flight to Salt Lake City. It was a five hour flight, but it felt longer than the eight hour flight we took yesterday! I think it's just because we're ready to get home! Our landing was delayed because there was a storm so the plane was put into a holding pattern. So we kept circling the airport until the storm stopped! While we circled we had a great view of the Salt lake valley and I realized how much I had missed the mountains! In England they have rolling hillsides which are beautiful, but just don't compare!

When we finally landed Grandma picked us up! We came home to a nice homemade dinner which was great after traveling all day! Thanks Grandma!

We've absolutely loved traveling from the US to the UK and back, but there are definitely some things we are happy to come home to!

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    Our Trip Summary

    Our trip consists of about five places. We will start in Washington DC for about a week. Then we will be in New York for two days. Then it is off to London. We will be there for about three weeks. During the time in London we will go to Paris for two days and then tour the English country-side for four days. On the way home, we will stop in New York to sleep. Then we will be back home in Utah!

    Our blog is called U.S. 2 U.K. because we will be traveling to places in the U.S., but London is the biggest part of the trip.


    New York
    Washington Dc


    August 2013
    July 2013