Today we drove to the Harry Potter Warner Brother's Studio Tour! We had such a fun day! We explored the huge building and got to see all of the actual props, costumes, creatures, animatronics, and sets they used in the Harry Potter movies! There isn't really a way to describe everything, but we took loads of pictures so hopefully that will help!

The studio was FULL of everything and anything Harry Potter. We saw lots of the actual sets they used to film various parts of the movies. It was amazing to see the Great Hall and Diagon Alley sets. The giant Hogwarts castle model that they filmed is incredible. We saw the Knight Bus,  Death Eater masks, Ministry Building props, Potter house in Godric's Hollow, potions room, Weasley Borough, and the cupboard under the stairs where the then 11-year-old Daniel Radcliffe sat! We saw all the wands that were actually used in the films, plus all of the costumes that were worn by the actors. Everything we saw was the real thing used in the movies.

Zach loved the graphic design section. There were boxes and boxes of Weasley products and newspapers that had been specially graphically designed just for the movie! I loved seeing how they filmed Quidditch and we even got to ride brooms in front of a green screen! We saw how they brought the creatures to life and how Hagrid's actor was made to look bigger. It is crazy how many special effects are used in the movies, but also how much of it isn't animatronic or animated. The actors are really only one small part of the movie. There is so much behind the scenes stuff that goes in to making a movie possible!

Another highlight was when we got to try non-alcoholic butter beer!

After a fun filled day we went back home and ate at a place called Wagamama. It was super good Asian food!

The pictures will be described in the captions. Most of the pictures will be identified with their caption description using this  system:

Right - Left
       1 - 2
       3 - 4
       5 - 6
       7 - 8 
1- Professor Costumes, 2- Gryffindor Costumes, 3- Great Hall, 4- Great Hall, 5- The Cupboard Under the Stairs, 6- Harry's letter, 7- 3rd Year Costumes, 8- 7 Part 1 Costumes
1- Dumbledore's Office, 2- Wands used by major characters, 3- Stairway to Dumbledore's Office, 4- Instruments in Dumbledore's Office, 5- Tom Riddle's Diary, 6- Slytherin's Locket, 7- The Deluminator, 8- The Golden Snitch used in 7 Part 1
1- Lord Voldemort's Costume, 2- Death Eater mast, 3-Hagrid's Hut, 4- Potion's Room, 5- Our Butter Beer mustaches, 6- In front of the broomsticks, 7- The door to the Chamber of Secrets, 8- Harry's Potions book
1- The Dursley's House, 2- The Knight Bus, 3- Fawkes, 4- The Basilisk, 5- Ollivander's, 6- The Weasley's Shop, 7- Ollivander's Store Window
1- The Ministry of Magic, 2- The Marauders Map, 3- Weasley Boxes, 4- Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beens, 5,6,7- Hogwart's card model
1,2,3- The Hogwart's Castle Model, used in the films, 4- In front of the Studio
8/7/2013 12:13:09 am

OhmyGOSH so jealous right now!!! I will always always be a wizard at heart. Thanks for the awesome pics!!!


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    Our Trip Summary

    Our trip consists of about five places. We will start in Washington DC for about a week. Then we will be in New York for two days. Then it is off to London. We will be there for about three weeks. During the time in London we will go to Paris for two days and then tour the English country-side for four days. On the way home, we will stop in New York to sleep. Then we will be back home in Utah!

    Our blog is called U.S. 2 U.K. because we will be traveling to places in the U.S., but London is the biggest part of the trip.


    New York
    Washington Dc


    August 2013
    July 2013